Summit Psychological Associates, Inc

The Canton phone number and intake phone number are currently not working,

for Canton please call (234)303-2627 for Intake please call (234)888-4022

How to Refer for Services

Please note that the court order/journal entry for a psychological evaluation can be emailed along with the referral form and additional information form (attached along with this letter). Please email any evaluation referrals and documents to:


If the court is referring someone for treatment programming or an assessment to begin programming, those referral forms can be sent to: 

It may also be helpful to know the difference between a diagnostic assessment vs. a psychological evaluation. 

Diagnostic Assessment for Treatment - this service provides a diagnosis and treatment recommendations and the referral source receives a printout summary of the results. This service is typically to start treatment and commonly referred to as an intake assessment or treatment assessment. Insurance typically covers this service unless the client is incarcerated. (please ensure collateral information is sent to assist clinician in understanding reason for assessment/referral). 

Psychological Evaluation - this service involves a diagnostic interview, record review and administration of testing (if needed). The referral source receives a detailed typed report that covers the client's history, diagnosis, recommendations and can answer a specific question. Insurance typically does not cover this service, especially if it is court ordered, or to answer a psycho-legal question. (please ensure collateral information is sent to assist clinician in understanding reason for assessment/referral).

Please note that referral forms and an additional sheet to provide information are both available on this page. 

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